Neighborhood Pets

We love and welcome pets in our community.
Please be courteous to your neighbors and keep your dog on a leash.
And please remember to pick up after your dog, it makes the
entire neighborhood a better place to be.

We will be happy to include a picture of your pet.
Send your photo to the email address on the "contact" page

Blaze Rex & Audrey Ada Nicholas Balkie Pepito Henry Rocky Bevo Vince Squeak Rosie
Hold cursor over image to enlarge
the pet's name will also pop up

Show slides of our pets

Adopt a Pet

The wonderful people at "Friends for Life" found it for me
Please visit PetsMart on the weekends to adopt one of my friends

We will be happy to include your lost+found message.
Send photo and text to the email address on the "contact" page

Dog Parks